“Live Healthy! Live Free!”


The Only Scientifically Validated Safe Way to Elevate & Sustain Glutathione (GSH)

Use this one

What is Glutathione? (GSH)

Glutathione (GSH) is a molecule found in every cell. GSH plays a crucial role in many of the cells vital functions: DNA repair; detoxification; disease prevention, including cancer; controlling inflammation; supporting brain, liver, kidney, and lung function; production of red and white blood cells.

The Power of Immunocal

Protection Against Viruses
Natural Potent Detoxifier

The immune system is our main defense against infection. It functions to identify and attack cells infected with viruses,
including cancer cells. Sufficient GSH enables the body to produce more white blood cells – the most important frontline defense of the immune system. In other words, healthy multiplication and activity of immune cells depend upon adequate amounts of GSH in each cell.

Numerous studies have proven that individuals with high GSH levels remain in excellent physical and mental health, as they age. Symptoms such as decrease in vision, memory loss, tremors, muscular aches, joint pains, less energy and vitality, may be prevented, and in some cases reversed, by simply elevating glutathione on a daily basis.

We have our body’s Glutathione detoxification process to thank if we have not succumbed to the daily onslaught of environmental toxins. GSH works within the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and skin to remove toxins. Our body depends on GSH to remove lead, mercury, herbicides, pesticides, cigarette smoke, radiation, automobile exhaust. Food preservatives, drug residues, and other cancer-producing chemicals.

Our Master Antioxidant

Our Best Defense Against Radiation

Athletic Performance

Because all other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, depend on GSH to function properly and to remain active, scientists call it the “Master Antioxidant.” GSH is required to neutralize free radicals.  These are destructive molecules that have been implicated in most medical conditions. Free radicals are caused by chemicals, toxins, viruses, bacteria, drugs, stress, exposure to radiation (cell phones, 5G, Wi-Fi ) excessive exercise, and normal metabolism.  If GSH is in short supply, eventually free radicals can overwhelm the cell, leading to sickness and disease. 

Very simply, radiation from things like WiFi, Cell Phones, 5G, MRI’s and CT scans, radiation therapy, X-Rays, and full body scans at airports all cause depletion of GSH.  This leads to the death of healthy cells, which can have a cascading effect and become very detrimental to good health. Cell death leads to tissue death. Ample amounts of GSH within the cells is necessary for cellular protection against radiation to combat all these subtle attacks. As well, GSH is the very cornerstone for cellular healing from exposure to radiation. Cellular healing means tissue healing and tissue healing means normal organ function that translates into balance, harmony and health. 

Published studies prove that the athlete using Immunocal can improve muscular performance, get more oxygen to the muscles, increase endurance, experience less muscle damage and improve recovery times. The athlete will also have less chance of coming down with upper respiratory illness or succumbing to some other sickness before an event, due to overtraining. Another study demonstrates the ability of Immunocal to build lean muscle mass, as well.  


Glutathione Deficiency

Glutathione Def.
Children and adults can be lacking in Glutathione due to medical conditions, toxins, radiation exposure, and stress. Healthy athletes often have low levels of GSH due to over-training. GSH levels diminish as we age. Over 200 medical conditions, including depression and other emotional and mental disorders, are associated with low levels of GSH. GSH is critical for every stage of life and every health challenge. 176,000 medical journal articles on GSH are available on PubMed.

Original Immunocal

How Is Immunocal Made?

Immunocal is a protein isolate derived from the raw milk of free range grass fed cattle. No feed containing pesticides is ever used. The cattle are never given antibiotics or hormones.

This is a potent, pharmaceutical grade, cysteine-rich protein containing high amounts of serum albumin, a-lactalbumin and lactoferrin. It is 90% protein. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum are ‘molecular,’ whereas most whey proteins are crystallized.

To preserve the fragile proteins and its complete amino acid profile, Immunocal has been processed through a patented low-temperature purification process. The resulting highly concentrated powder is packaged into individually sealed packets to safeguard bioactivity.

Each serving contains the protein from 4 gallons of pure milk, without fat, lactose, casein, or any undesirable aspect of bovine milk. Whey proteins are the healthy constituent of milk.
The powder is mixed with liquid to deliver the immune-enhancing properties of GSH to your body.

Immunocal: The Safest, Most Effective, Drug-free Way to Elevate GSH Daily!

  • Scientifically validated by 85+ Medical Publications in 47 peer-reviewed journals, such as:  Chest, Anti-Cancer Research Journal, Journal of Applied Physiology, Immunology, Journal of Nutritional Health and Aging, Clinical and Investigative Medicine
  • With worldwide Method-of-Use Patents validating Bio-Activity, Improvement of the Immune Response, Assistance with Muscular Performance, Cancer, HIV-AIDS,  Amelioration of Oxidative Stress
  • Listed in the US Physicians’ Desk Reference and the Canadian CPS, as a GSH precursor 
  • Contains a full spectrum of essential and non-essential amino acids, the highest branched chain amino acid content found in nature, allowing it to cross the blood brain barrier.
  •  Used by thousands of people of all ages, throughout the world, for over 25+ years with no adverse side effects.
  • Has GRAS designation from FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe) the same as Vitamin C 
  • Has GRAS designation from FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe) the same as Vitamin C 
  • Only contraindicated for those with organ transplants, or a rare milk protein allergy (see PDR below)

Authors & Researchers

Years of Research

Institutions Involved in Research

More than 430 Million Servings Sold

more than $25 million in research

Specialized Immunocal Platinum

Protein is the building block of life. 

Protein is the building block of life.  Both serious athletes and serious life extensionists use protein to enhance their health and performance.  Because so much evidence supports the benefits of whey as a fitness, strength and health enhancer, every effort should be made to find the most comprehensive whey protein with the best scientific validation to back it up.


Defensive, Reparative, Sustained Immunity

Immunocal Platinum was developed to meet the health needs of the maturing population and serious athletes, as well as those with chronic health challenges.  Dr. Wulf Droge, recognized world-wide for his research on Aging, Immunology, Cancer and Redox Physiology, has enriched Original Immunocal with 25% more Lactoferrin, and refined it to provide the ultimate benefits available only in Immunocal Platinum:


Cytokine Modulating Proteins (CMPTM)  Cytokines are proteins that play a role in turning inflammation off and on, repair cell damage, promote healthy cell differentiation and growth, coordinate the body’s immune response, and inhibit abnormal cell growth (including cancer).


Redox Modulating Formula (RMFTM) Providing a proprietary blend of Creatine Monohydrate, minerals, electrolytes, and a citrate complex which supports natural pH balance in the body, improves signal pathways, helps to neutralize acidity and increase alkalinity; helps to prevent calcium loss, modulate insulin, improve mental quality, fatigue; helps to maintain a healthy weight, and increase life span.  


benefits sce

If you’re breathing and if you have an Immune System, You need Immunocal!

dog picture

“Experience amazing results with your pets!  Every pet deserves Immunocal!”

    Protect and rid your body of “Forever Chemicals”
    with Glutathione! 
    Take Immunocal Daily!


      US Physicians' Desk Reference
      HIV-AIDS Study
      Athletic Performance PowerPoint
      Chiropractor PowerPoint
      Glutathione - Precursor
      Longevity and Weight Loss Benefits
      NAC Side Effects:



      I served in the CA Air Force for 19 years. Of the 2,500 CA troops that served in the Gulf War, 40% came back sick. I was bed-ridden for years; my tongue turned black; my hair was falling out; I was depressed. My brain function was slow, and my allergies were terrible. My organs were not working properly. My eyes were starting to go; I was so sick that I was making a will. A neighbor introduced me to Immunocal. I began taking 2 Platinum a day. I got more energy. My mental health improved, my brain kicked back in. My physical health improved. Immunocal detoxed me. It gave me what I needed to function, to rebuild. My skin settled down, and within 8 months all my allergies were gone. IF IT WERE NOT FOR IMMUNOCAL, I WOULD NOT BE HERE.

      Suzette McKay, Saskatchewan



      I was on oxygen for 3 years, 85% of the day and night, due to Idiopathic Interstitial Lung Disease. After 10 days on Immunocal, I went without oxygen the whole day. Three days later I had my oxygen checked at the doctor’s office. There was a 62% improvement in lung capacity. I have been on Immunocal, one to two packs a day, of Regular and Platinum since 2006. I don’t use oxygen anymore and even my arthritis has improved. I’m an active grandmother, business woman, wife and mother, and I feel great. People in church and people that I work with were amazed to see me without oxygen, as I was continually getting worse, not better.

      Donna Pattermann, Aurora, CO



      My husband is a Vietnam Veteran, who has had LOTS of health challenges, but it wasn’t until he had the worst gangrene they had ever seen at the VA Hospital that the doctors wanted to amputate both feet. I could not care for Lester if that happened. I was told about Immunocal, and I started giving Lester 4 packs of Platinum Immunocal a day, with 8 Omega 3, and using Immunocal topically every 3 days, wrapping the feet.   Within a few months, the doctors said, “This man has found a miracle drug and he’s a miracle man!” He didn’t lose a foot or even one toe; he only lost a toenail. They also found that he had NO evidence in his body of Agent Orange exposure anymore. He was completely detoxified.

      Virginia Hite, Clarksville, TN



      I am a building contractor, and a father of 5. I was diagnosed with Stage Four Brain Cancer in 1999, at the age of 40. It surrounded the pineal gland and they could not operate. I chose not to do Chemo or Radiation, as I saw my father suffer through it and die at age 54. God brought Immunocal into my life, and I began taking 6 packets per day. The cancer began shrinking within a few months. I gradually went down to 5, 4, 3 packs per day. Through prayer and Immunocal I am still alive and well today, in 2023, and cancer-free, on 2 packs a day.

      Harold Jasma, Saskatchewan



      I am mother of four children who had been battling with gastrointestinal problems all my life. I finally learned I had Celiac Disease, which I was able to control with diet. However, my overall health and energy level wasn’t good; I would get the kids to school, go to bed, get up in time to pick them up, and make dinner.  I even got shingles while in my 30s. I was constantly getting sick. My children, as well, were on puffers for asthma every winter season, and pneumonia was a common occurrence at our home. Immunocal has improved our immune systems SO much so that we have gone from being the doctor’s BEST customers to practically never going there at all. I would not be without our Immunocal and I praise the Lord for this discovery. (Update: I have been a teacher for over 10 years now and I have never stopped taking Immunocal.)

      Terri Brodie, Frederick, CO



      My mother had been suffering with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease in a nursing home. I had been praying diligently for something that would help her. My husband and I are country gospel singers and we were in Colorado performing some concerts for the Veterans at various churches. One evening our friends in Loveland, whom we were staying with, invited us to listen in on a little presentation in their home, where Candice Adams told us about Immunocal. I asked her if this could help my mother, and she responded that as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s progresses, the glutathione level get lower; if we could bring the glutathione level higher in the body, we might be able to help her. We put mom on 2, then 3 packages a day. Within a few months, mother began to recognize and interact normally with everyone in the family! The doctors took her off most of her meds. Her tremors stopped and her personality came back. We’ve been able to help literally hundreds of people. 

      Barbara Fairchild, Branson, MO



      In 2000, after the birth of my second child, I suffered from severe fatigue. For years the illness was undiagnosed. I was told by the medical profession that it was, “All In My Mind” – which is the name of the book I’ve now written that documents my journey through this illness, which I battled for four years. I was bedridden for two of those years. To make a long story short, I asked God to show me His plan for me, and shortly thereafter He did. My husband is a chiropractor and one of our colleagues suggested I try Immunocal. For those suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and/or Adrenal Fatigue, I know how it feels when people say, “You have to try just one more thing. You have to try harder.”You really DON’T WANT to TRY ONE MORE THING! But in this case, I DID try one more thing…IMMUNOCAL! And it made ALL the difference. Within days, I could get out of bed, I could leave the house, I could fly a kite with the kids. I take Immunocal every day to MAINTAIN my health. I give credit to Immunocal in my book, which has made Amazon’s best seller list:

      Jennifer Busch, Fort Wayne, IN




      have been a pastor in Malaysia, Singapore, and Calgary, Alberta for 40 years. We were friends with Candice Adams when she lived in Calgary. About 3 years ago, I contracted pneumonia. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks. I didn’t think I was going to make it. The doctors said there was nothing more they could do. Family members came from Singapore to say goodbye. My only daughter and her husband flew in, from Nova Scotia. My best friend flew up from the U.S. My wife happened to call Candice and tell her what was happening. Her words were, “Candice, the Pastor you love is dying.” Candice had a friend who was flying back to Calgary the next morning from the US. She brought with her a box of Platinum Immunocal. My wife started giving me 4 packages a day. I walked out of the hospital in a week. We believe that prayer and Immunocal saved my life, and we both continue to take Immunocal every day.       

                                 Pastor Andrew Chin, Calgary, AB




      I live in a retirement village. I have access to water exercises Monday through Friday and have been using the exercise facility every day since April of 2005.I have been taking Immunocal for a year and I’ve never had as much as a cold during that time. It has lowered my BLOOD PRESSURE from 210/110 to normal. A Hospital here offered us a day of information, booths and assessment tests. Following the BONE DENSITY test the examiner said, “I see that you wrote your age at 81. You have the bone density of a 56 year old woman! So I feel Immunocal is working for me. I began taking this product because it greatly helped my son, Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack, from Denver, CO, with his Parkinson’s symptoms.

       Kathleen Tomjack , Sioux Falls, South Dakota



      I am a woman in my sixties. Three years ago following a sore neck, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. In fact, I was diagnosed with a 30% bone density loss. The specialist put me on Fosamax. In the first year, my bone density only increased by 1%. Two years from the time I started taking Fosamax, my stomach became irritated, and had pain and cramping. I stopped taking the Fosamax and began taking two pouches of Immunocal daily in August of 1997 and in November 1999, I had another bone density test done. Here is the report: “This patient is now mildly osteopenic with mild relative increase fracture risk, compared to young normals. This patient is not osteoporectic at this time.” ISN’T THIS AMAZING? I’m off a drug, which in time could have created other health problems. Another health issue my Doctors & I feel Immunocal helped me with: Three years ago, I was advised by my doctor that my cholesterol blood levels were increasing (6.20 mmol/l). In January of 1997, the doctor put me on Zocor. By July, ‘97, my cholesterol decreased to 5.51 mmol/l. Thirteen months ago in Feb. ’99, I quit taking Zocor, fearing liver toxicity. In March, my cholesterol level was 5.31 mmol/l. My doctor wanted to know what I was doing to keep my cholesterol down and of course, I told him about the Immunocal. I am thankful to be off another potentially dangerous drug.

      Betty McGuire, Lindsay, Ontario



      My mother has suffered with psoriasis for many years, and it had gotten progressively worse. At 76, her entire back was red and weeping from psoriasis. The new creams from the doctor didn’t give her any relief. She began taking one pack a day of Immunocal, for a month, then increased it to two a day. Within 6 months it had cleared up. She maintains her good health with one Platinum Immunocal a day.

      Star Morris. Squamish, BC



      Our son, Eric, had the worstcase of weeping, bleeding eczema that the doctors at theChildren’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta had ever seen. Hehad been to specialists who could not help him. At 6 years old we began giving Eric Immunocal, an aggressive dosage. Literally within a month, his eczema began to clear up. We have been extremely grateful for Immunocal.

      Carl and Sandi Walper, Red Deer, AB





      I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1999, when I was 69. The doctors sent me to a class at the hospital where we learned all aspects of diabetes, including neuropathy. At that time, had no feeling from the ankles down, along with the tingling and pain. My disappointment came when I was told this condition would never go away and would continue to progress as more nerves were damaged. And progress it did—until it finally reached both knees! Since this was something I had to live with for the rest of my life, or so I was told. I accepted the fact I would be very inactive when I should be exercising to help control my blood sugar and to lose weight. Near the end of 2001, I learned about Immunocal and in Jan. of 2002 I took my first packet. Within weeks, I began to noticesome things. A sore in one ear was gone after 3 to 4 years. No more headaches, because my year-round sinus infections were also gone too. I was able to almost close both hands after arthritis prevented it from happening. Imagine my excitement when I noticed that my neuropathy had lowered almost two inches below my knees. In the middle of March I began taking two packets of Immunocal a day and by late June the neuropathy was only in the bottom of my feet. How exciting for something that would NEVER be reversed! My eyes are in excellent condition and there is no blurring. I’m walking everywhere I need to go with much improved balance. I praise the Lord for Immunocal!!!

      Shirley Hulen, Milwaukie, Oregon.





      We went into the hospital for my six month posttreatment blood profile…We received the results back:

      No Hepatitis-C Virus detected, according to the doctors and nurses at the Foothills Hospital Liver Clinic. It Is 97.999% that it’s gone!  We eradicated this insidious disease In Its tracks… We know beyond a shadow of a doubt…That the HCV had no chance against Immunocal and we have the blood work to prove It!  Blood can’t lie!!! Our faith will continue to see us through…One Day At A Time. You can share this testimony with anyone you wish…If you know anyone that might be sitting on the fence in regards to how Immunocal may benefit them, maybe this could help them make a decision that would,as we both know, change their life. Your Friends 4 Life,

      K.W. Kas & Sommer Kas, Calgary, Alberta





      My daughter was in medical school, and 2 weeks before her National Board Exams, her 10-year- old cat, Roxie, was given a diagnosis of terminal cancer, throughout her body. The Vet said she had two days to live, at the most. My husband and I brought Roxie to our home, and our Vet confirmed the diagnosis. We began mixing a little Immunocal into her wet food with a little water, and coaxed her to eat. Roxie lived for an additional five years. (When we stopped mixing the Immunocal into her food the cancer eventually returned.)

      Dr. Deborah Gentry, TN


      PROSTATE CANCER TESTIMONIAL The Personal Experience of Dr. Russell Manuel

      In 1998, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer (Gleason’s score 7). Medical colleagues I consulted strongly advised me to do something invasive such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Prostate cancer, classed as Gleason 7, is considered to be a very serious diagnosis and likely to spread, so they all advised to take definitive action immediately. I chose to thoroughly review the medical literature on prostate cancer, and also the literature and reports on alternative ways of dealing with this potentially invasive cancer. I did not like what I found about the risks and possible complications using conventional, invasive therapies. I am a medical doctor and epidemiologist and was a tenured professor in a Canadian medical school for 10 years, so I have critically evaluated many medical reports and also authored and co-authored medical research reports myself. After reviewing all the research, I’ve been taking 2-3 packs of Immunocal every day, since 1998. My health is better than it was then and I have no symptoms of prostate cancer. Moreover, I have benefited from one of the side effects of increasing my glutathione levels because my muscle mass has increased significantly as I persist with exercise programs. Every person is different so I don’t recommend that others do as I did: eschew conventional anti-cancer therapies. However, I do recommend that everyone with cancer considering Immunocal to their nutritional program because there is considerable published evidence that increasing glutathione levels in patients who have surgery, radiation or chemotherapy greatly speeds up recovery time. It is also one of the best ways of preventing recurrence of cancer because it strengthens the immune system.

      F. Russell Manuel M.D., M Sc., Anchorage, AK 99503


      Naturally Best Health

      Brought to you by: Candice Adams

      Certified Nutritional Consultant

      My journey into nutrition began in my early 20’s (1971) when I chose a country setting in Michigan, to raise my three children, grow the majority of our own food, and store all we needed up for winter. We were lacto-ovo vegetarians. I home-schooled my children for a while and I chose not to vaccinate my children until we were finally forced to do so, once they were older.

      My career in Alternative and Complementary Medicine began in 1993 when I graduated with honors from the Orthopedic School of Massage Therapy in Calgary, Alberta, and obtained Certification as a Nutritional Consultant. I subsequently opened a large massage therapy clinic which specialized in whiplash and repetitive stress injuries. For ten years, medical doctors referred patients to our clinic, when they could not seem to get help through Physiotherapy or other options. My staff and I worked hand in hand with a chiropractor to bring relief to thousands of individuals, who could not find help elsewhere.

      My quest into the field of Glutathione Research began during that time. Having been acquainted with many natural ways to maintain and regain health, I was surprised to discover the benefits of a substance called ‘Glutathione’ which I had not heard of previously. Upon studying the amazing amount of research on Glutathione, still the hottest topic in medical research today, I began to use myself as well as my patients as ‘guinea pigs.’ Raising GSH (and cysteine) on a cellular level, through the use of Immunocal, actually lived up to all my expectations, and more, as far as dealing with numerous health challenges, acute injuries and even chronic conditions in my patients.

      Some things surprised me: A patient whose doctor could not get her hemoglobin levels to come up to normal, even with injections, for almost a year, began consuming two packs a day of Immunocal, and within a month, her hemoglobin was normal; a patient whose son had been treated with many drugs for acne for years, to no avail, reported the acne completely resolved within two months on one packet a day; terrible cases of chronic bronchitis were resolved within a week on several packs a day; an elderly man on kidney dialysis reported energy levels increased to the point of being able to go home after dialysis and ride his bike or wash the car!

      Since 2001, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with several doctors and researchers based out of McGill University, Canada’s top medical school, where exploration into the field of Glutathione was taken to a whole new level! I continue to recommend the foundational nutraceutical, Immunocal, that has the potential to change lives, drastically, for the better.

      I enjoy hiking, cycling, roller blading, swimming, waterskiing, jet skiing, traveling, and reading…and thanks to God and Immunocal, I still live an active life at 70+ years of age!

      As Dr. James Balch, Nutritional Healing Expert and Author, stated,
      “Add years to your life and life to your years, with Immunocal.”

      Let Us Help You

      Why contact Candice with Naturally Best Health?

      •  Ordering directly online can be confusing. Speaking with a consultant, with over 22 years of experience in the field of glutathione will help you order what you need, with confidence.
      • Personalized consultation for your individual dosage requirements, using your preferred method of communication (email, phone, or video consultation)
      • Save money! Save big on your very first order, and any subsequent orders
      • Avoid product knockoffs or counterfeits, claiming to be Immunocal

      “Live Healthy! Live Free!”

      For Pricing, Dosage Recommendations, and to Avoid Product Counterfeits:

      Email Candice Adams, CNC:

      Phone Number

      (303) 520-0857

      Business Hours

      9:00 – 9:00 EST

      Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This supplement is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease.”  Note: As a “food” Immunocal does not cure or treat disease.  Immunocal simply provides the body with critical, fundamental nutrients to support health on a cellular level.