“Live Healthy! Live Free!”
The Only Scientifically Validated Safe Way to Elevate & Sustain Glutathione (GSH)
What is Glutathione? (GSH)
Glutathione (GSH) is a molecule found in every cell. GSH plays a crucial role in many of the cells vital functions: DNA repair; detoxification; disease prevention, including cancer; controlling inflammation; supporting brain, liver, kidney, and lung function; production of red and white blood cells.
The Power of Immunocal
Protection Against Viruses
Natural Potent Detoxifier
The immune system is our main defense against infection. It functions to identify and attack cells infected with viruses,
including cancer cells. Sufficient GSH enables the body to produce more white blood cells – the most important frontline defense of the immune system. In other words, healthy multiplication and activity of immune cells depend upon adequate amounts of GSH in each cell.
Numerous studies have proven that individuals with high GSH levels remain in excellent physical and mental health, as they age. Symptoms such as decrease in vision, memory loss, tremors, muscular aches, joint pains, less energy and vitality, may be prevented, and in some cases reversed, by simply elevating glutathione on a daily basis.
We have our body’s Glutathione detoxification process to thank if we have not succumbed to the daily onslaught of environmental toxins. GSH works within the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and skin to remove toxins. Our body depends on GSH to remove lead, mercury, herbicides, pesticides, cigarette smoke, radiation, automobile exhaust. Food preservatives, drug residues, and other cancer-producing chemicals.
Our Master Antioxidant
Our Best Defense Against Radiation
Athletic Performance
Because all other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, depend on GSH to function properly and to remain active, scientists call it the “Master Antioxidant.” GSH is required to neutralize free radicals. These are destructive molecules that have been implicated in most medical conditions. Free radicals are caused by chemicals, toxins, viruses, bacteria, drugs, stress, exposure to radiation (cell phones, 5G, Wi-Fi ) excessive exercise, and normal metabolism. If GSH is in short supply, eventually free radicals can overwhelm the cell, leading to sickness and disease.
Very simply, radiation from things like WiFi, Cell Phones, 5G, MRI’s and CT scans, radiation therapy, X-Rays, and full body scans at airports all cause depletion of GSH. This leads to the death of healthy cells, which can have a cascading effect and become very detrimental to good health. Cell death leads to tissue death. Ample amounts of GSH within the cells is necessary for cellular protection against radiation to combat all these subtle attacks. As well, GSH is the very cornerstone for cellular healing from exposure to radiation. Cellular healing means tissue healing and tissue healing means normal organ function that translates into balance, harmony and health.
Glutathione Deficiency
Original Immunocal
How Is Immunocal Made?
Immunocal is a protein isolate derived from the raw milk of free range grass fed cattle. No feed containing pesticides is ever used. The cattle are never given antibiotics or hormones.
This is a potent, pharmaceutical grade, cysteine-rich protein containing high amounts of serum albumin, a-lactalbumin and lactoferrin. It is 90% protein. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum are ‘molecular,’ whereas most whey proteins are crystallized.
To preserve the fragile proteins and its complete amino acid profile, Immunocal has been processed through a patented low-temperature purification process. The resulting highly concentrated powder is packaged into individually sealed packets to safeguard bioactivity.
Each serving contains the protein from 4 gallons of pure milk, without fat, lactose, casein, or any undesirable aspect of bovine milk. Whey proteins are the healthy constituent of milk.
The powder is mixed with liquid to deliver the immune-enhancing properties of GSH to your body.
Immunocal: The Safest, Most Effective, Drug-free Way to Elevate GSH Daily!
- Scientifically validated by 85+ Medical Publications in 47 peer-reviewed journals, such as: Chest, Anti-Cancer Research Journal, Journal of Applied Physiology, Immunology, Journal of Nutritional Health and Aging, Clinical and Investigative Medicine
- With worldwide Method-of-Use Patents validating Bio-Activity, Improvement of the Immune Response, Assistance with Muscular Performance, Cancer, HIV-AIDS, Amelioration of Oxidative Stress
- Listed in the US Physicians’ Desk Reference and the Canadian CPS, as a GSH precursor
- Contains a full spectrum of essential and non-essential amino acids, the highest branched chain amino acid content found in nature, allowing it to cross the blood brain barrier.
- Used by thousands of people of all ages, throughout the world, for over 25+ years with no adverse side effects.
- Has GRAS designation from FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe) the same as Vitamin C
- Has GRAS designation from FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe) the same as Vitamin C
- Only contraindicated for those with organ transplants, or a rare milk protein allergy (see PDR below)
Authors & Researchers
Years of Research
Institutions Involved in Research
More than 430 Million Servings Sold
more than $25 million in research
Specialized Immunocal Platinum
Protein is the building block of life.
Protein is the building block of life. Both serious athletes and serious life extensionists use protein to enhance their health and performance. Because so much evidence supports the benefits of whey as a fitness, strength and health enhancer, every effort should be made to find the most comprehensive whey protein with the best scientific validation to back it up.
Defensive, Reparative, Sustained Immunity
Immunocal Platinum was developed to meet the health needs of the maturing population and serious athletes, as well as those with chronic health challenges. Dr. Wulf Droge, recognized world-wide for his research on Aging, Immunology, Cancer and Redox Physiology, has enriched Original Immunocal with 25% more Lactoferrin, and refined it to provide the ultimate benefits available only in Immunocal Platinum:
If you’re breathing and if you have an Immune System, You need Immunocal!
“Experience amazing results with your pets! Every pet deserves Immunocal!”
Scientific & Medical Publications
US Physicians' Desk Reference
Athletic Performance PowerPoint
Chiropractor PowerPoint
Glutathione - Precursor
Patents on Immunocal
Canadian Compendium (CPS)
Canadian Compendium (CPS)
Neuroprotective Benefits
Truth About Healthy Living
Listing in PDR
Athletic Study
Longevity and Weight Loss Benefits
NAC Side Effects:
Naturally Best Health
Brought to you by: Candice Adams
Certified Nutritional Consultant
My journey into nutrition began in my early 20’s (1971) when I chose a country setting in Michigan, to raise my three children, grow the majority of our own food, and store all we needed up for winter. We were lacto-ovo vegetarians. I home-schooled my children for a while and I chose not to vaccinate my children until we were finally forced to do so, once they were older.
My career in Alternative and Complementary Medicine began in 1993 when I graduated with honors from the Orthopedic School of Massage Therapy in Calgary, Alberta, and obtained Certification as a Nutritional Consultant. I subsequently opened a large massage therapy clinic which specialized in whiplash and repetitive stress injuries. For ten years, medical doctors referred patients to our clinic, when they could not seem to get help through Physiotherapy or other options. My staff and I worked hand in hand with a chiropractor to bring relief to thousands of individuals, who could not find help elsewhere.
My quest into the field of Glutathione Research began during that time. Having been acquainted with many natural ways to maintain and regain health, I was surprised to discover the benefits of a substance called ‘Glutathione’ which I had not heard of previously. Upon studying the amazing amount of research on Glutathione, still the hottest topic in medical research today, I began to use myself as well as my patients as ‘guinea pigs.’ Raising GSH (and cysteine) on a cellular level, through the use of Immunocal, actually lived up to all my expectations, and more, as far as dealing with numerous health challenges, acute injuries and even chronic conditions in my patients.
Some things surprised me: A patient whose doctor could not get her hemoglobin levels to come up to normal, even with injections, for almost a year, began consuming two packs a day of Immunocal, and within a month, her hemoglobin was normal; a patient whose son had been treated with many drugs for acne for years, to no avail, reported the acne completely resolved within two months on one packet a day; terrible cases of chronic bronchitis were resolved within a week on several packs a day; an elderly man on kidney dialysis reported energy levels increased to the point of being able to go home after dialysis and ride his bike or wash the car!
Since 2001, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with several doctors and researchers based out of McGill University, Canada’s top medical school, where exploration into the field of Glutathione was taken to a whole new level! I continue to recommend the foundational nutraceutical, Immunocal, that has the potential to change lives, drastically, for the better.
I enjoy hiking, cycling, roller blading, swimming, waterskiing, jet skiing, traveling, and reading…and thanks to God and Immunocal, I still live an active life at 70+ years of age!
As Dr. James Balch, Nutritional Healing Expert and Author, stated,
“Add years to your life and life to your years, with Immunocal.”
Let Us Help You
Why contact Candice with Naturally Best Health?
- Ordering directly online can be confusing. Speaking with a consultant, with over 22 years of experience in the field of glutathione will help you order what you need, with confidence.
- Personalized consultation for your individual dosage requirements, using your preferred method of communication (email, phone, or video consultation)
- Save money! Save big on your very first order, and any subsequent orders
- Avoid product knockoffs or counterfeits, claiming to be Immunocal
“Live Healthy! Live Free!”
For Pricing, Dosage Recommendations, and to Avoid Product Counterfeits:
Email Candice Adams, CNC:
Phone Number
(303) 520-0857
Business Hours
9:00 – 9:00 EST
Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This supplement is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease.” Note: As a “food” Immunocal does not cure or treat disease. Immunocal simply provides the body with critical, fundamental nutrients to support health on a cellular level.